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import re
import traceback
2022-02-08 23:16:52 +00:00
2022-08-05 02:15:23 +00:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from flask import current_app
from typing import List
class OnlineHost:
def __init__(self, id: str, url: str): = id
self.url = url
# I decided to just use dict everywhere instead because I have to use dict to read it from json
# class SSHHostKey:
# def __init__(self, key_type=None, content=None, sha256=None):
# self.key_type = key_type
# self.content = content
# self.sha256 = sha256
class VirtualMachine:
def __init__(self, id, host, ipv4=None, ipv6=None, state="unknown", ssh_host_keys: List[dict] = list()): = id = host
self.ipv4 = ipv4
self.ipv6 = ipv6
self.state = state
self.ssh_host_keys = ssh_host_keys
class VirtualizationInterface:
def capacity_avaliable(self, additional_ram_bytes: int) -> bool:
def get(self, id: str) -> VirtualMachine:
def get_all_by_id(self) -> dict:
def create(self, email: str, id: str, template_image_file_name: str, vcpus: int, memory: int, ssh_authorized_keys: list):
def destroy(self, email: str, id: str):
def vm_state_command(self, email: str, id: str, command: str):
def net_set_dhcp(self, email: str, host_id: str, network_name: str, macs: list, remove_ipv4: str, add_ipv4: str):
def validate_capsul_id(id):
if not re.match(r"^(cvm|capsul)-[a-z0-9]{10}$", id):
raise ValueError(f"vm id \"{id}\" must match \"^capsul-[a-z0-9]{{10}}$\"")
def authorized_as_hub(headers):
if headers.get('Authorization'):
auth_header_value = headers.get('Authorization').replace("Bearer ", "")
return auth_header_value == current_app.config["HUB_TOKEN"]
return False
2022-02-08 23:16:52 +00:00
def get_account_balance(vms, payments, as_of):
vm_cost_dollars = 0.0
for vm in vms:
vm_months = get_vm_months_float(vm, as_of)
vm_cost_dollars += vm_months * float(vm["dollars_per_month"])
payment_dollars_total = float( sum(map(lambda x: 0 if x["invalidated"] else x["dollars"], payments)) )
return payment_dollars_total - vm_cost_dollars
average_number_of_days_in_a_month = 30.44
def get_vm_months_float(vm, as_of):
end_datetime = vm["deleted"] if vm["deleted"] else as_of
days = float((end_datetime - vm["created"]).total_seconds())/float(60*60*24)
# y / m / d
date_when_minimum_run_time_was_changed_to_one_hour = datetime(2022, 2, 7)
if vm["created"] > date_when_minimum_run_time_was_changed_to_one_hour:
one_hour_in_days = float(1)/float(24)
if days < one_hour_in_days:
days = one_hour_in_days
if days < 1:
days = float(1)
return days / average_number_of_days_in_a_month
def btcpay_invoice_is_paid(btcpay_invoice, pending_confirmation_as_paid):
is_paid = pending_confirmation_as_paid and btcpay_invoice['status'] == "paid"
is_complete = btcpay_invoice['status'] == "complete"
is_confirmed = btcpay_invoice['status'] == "confirmed"
is_paid_late = btcpay_invoice['status'] == "expired" and btcpay_invoice['exceptionStatus'] == "paidLate"
2022-02-08 23:16:52 +00:00
return is_paid or is_complete or is_confirmed or is_paid_late
2022-02-08 23:16:52 +00:00
def get_warnings_list():
delete_at_account_balance_dollars = -10
return [
get_active=lambda balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now: balance_1w < 0,
get_subject=lambda _: "Capsul One Week Payment Reminder",
get_body=lambda base_url, pluralize_capsul: (
f"{get_warning_headline('zero_1w', pluralize_capsul)}"
f"Log in now to re-fill your account! {base_url}/console/account-balance\n\n"
"If you believe you have recieved this message in error, please let us know:"
get_active=lambda balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now: balance_1d < 0,
get_subject=lambda _: "Capsul One Day Payment Reminder",
get_body=lambda base_url, pluralize_capsul: (
f"{get_warning_headline('zero_1d', pluralize_capsul)}"
f"Log in now to re-fill your account! {base_url}/console/account-balance\n\n"
"If you believe you have recieved this message in error, please let us know:"
get_active=lambda balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now: balance_now < 0,
get_subject=lambda _: "Your Capsul Account is No Longer Funded",
get_body=lambda base_url, pluralize_capsul: (
f"{get_warning_headline('zero_now', pluralize_capsul)}"
f"Log in now to re-fill your account! {base_url}/console/account-balance\n\n"
f"If you need help decomissioning your Capsul{pluralize_capsul}, "
"would like to request backups, or de-activate your account, please contact:"
get_active=lambda balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now: balance_1w < delete_at_account_balance_dollars,
get_subject=lambda pluralize_capsul: f"Your Capsul{pluralize_capsul} Will be Deleted In Less Than a Week",
get_body=lambda base_url, pluralize_capsul: (
f"{get_warning_headline('delete_1w', pluralize_capsul)}"
f"Log in now to re-fill your account! {base_url}/console/account-balance\n\n"
f"If you need help decomissioning your Capsul{pluralize_capsul}, "
"would like to request backups, or de-activate your account, please contact:"
get_active=lambda balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now: balance_1d < delete_at_account_balance_dollars,
get_subject=lambda pluralize_capsul: f"Last Chance to Save your Capsul{pluralize_capsul}: Gone Tomorrow",
get_body=lambda base_url, pluralize_capsul: (
f"{get_warning_headline('delete_1d', pluralize_capsul)}"
get_active=lambda balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now: balance_now < delete_at_account_balance_dollars,
get_subject=lambda pluralize_capsul: f"Capsul{pluralize_capsul} Deleted",
get_body=lambda base_url, pluralize_capsul: (
f"{get_warning_headline('delete_now', pluralize_capsul)}"
2022-08-05 02:00:27 +00:00
def get_warning_headline(warning_id, pluralize_capsul):
return dict(
zero_1w= (
"According to our calculations, your Capsul account will run out of funds before this time next week.\n\n"
zero_1d= (
"According to our calculations, your Capsul account will run out of funds by this time tomorrow.\n\n"
zero_now= (
f"You have run out of funds! You will no longer be able to create Capsuls.\n\n"
f"As a courtesy, we'll let your existing Capsul{pluralize_capsul} keep running until your account "
"reaches a -$10 balance, at which point they will be deleted.\n\n"
delete_1w= (
"You have run out of funds and have not refilled your account.\n\n"
f"As a courtesy, we've let your existing Capsul{pluralize_capsul} keep running. "
f"However, your account will reach a -$10 balance some time next week and your Capsul{pluralize_capsul} "
"will be deleted.\n\n"
delete_1d= (
"You have run out of funds and have not refilled your account.\n\n"
f"As a courtesy, we have let your existing Capsul{pluralize_capsul} keep running. "
f"However, your account will reach a -$10 balance by this time tomorrow and "
f"your Capsul{pluralize_capsul} will be deleted.\n\n"
f"Last chance to deposit funds now and keep your Capsul{pluralize_capsul} running! "
delete_now= (
f"Your account reached a -$10 balance and your Capsul{pluralize_capsul} will be deleted by ops shortly unless we hear from you."
2022-08-05 02:00:27 +00:00
def reset_account_balance_warning(email, model):
vms = model.list_vms_for_account(email)
payments = model.list_payments_for_account(email)
balance_1w = get_account_balance(vms, payments, datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7))
balance_1d = get_account_balance(vms, payments, datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1))
balance_now = get_account_balance(vms, payments, datetime.utcnow())
warnings = get_warnings_list()
next_warning = 0
for i in range(0, len(warnings)):
if warnings[i]['get_active'](balance_1w, balance_1d, balance_now):
next_warning = i
# inserting a null warning element at the beginning of the list moves the next_warning index back by one element
# thats desired because we want to set the warning back to whatever goes before the current warning
warnings.insert(0, dict(id=None))
model.set_account_balance_warning(email, warnings[next_warning]['id'])
def my_exec_info_message(exec_info):
2021-12-09 19:06:44 +00:00
traceback_result = traceback.format_tb(exec_info[2])
2021-12-09 19:07:28 +00:00
if isinstance(traceback_result, list):
2021-12-09 19:06:44 +00:00
traceback_result = "\n".join(traceback_result)
2021-12-09 19:07:28 +00:00
2021-12-09 19:06:44 +00:00
return f"{exec_info[0].__module__}.{exec_info[0].__name__}: {exec_info[1]}: {traceback_result}"